Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The aim of Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management is to publish theoretical and empirical articles that are aimed to contrast and extend existing theories, and build new theories that contribute to advance our understanding of phenomena related with industrial engineering and industrial management in organizations, from the perspectives of Production Planning/Scheduling/Inventory, Logistics/Supply Chain, Quality Management, Operations Management and Operational Research. The contributions can adopt confirmatory (quantitative) or explanatory (mainly qualitative) methodological approaches. Theoretical essays that enhance the building or extension of theoretical approaches are also welcome. JAIEM selects the articles to be published with a double bind, peer review system, following the practices of good scholarly journals. JAIEM is published quarterly (on-line and printed versions), following an open access policy. On-line publication allows to reduce publishing costs, and to make more agile the process of reviewing and edition. JAIEM defends that open access publishing fosters the advance of scientific knowledge, making it available to everyone.

Main topics of interest but not limit to: 
  • Supply chain
  • Lean manufacturing
  • Operations improvement
  • Innovation management in operations 
  • Operations in service industry
  • Operational Research
  • Total Quality Management
  • Innovation in Engineering/Management Education
  • Total Productive Maintenance
  • How to manage workforce in operations
  • Logistic in general
  • Information Technology
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Ergonomics
  • Productions
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Information System
  • Informatics
  • Renewable Energy Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Human Resource Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Banking management
  • Industrial Management
  • Digital Management
  • HRD Management


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

The Editors-in-Chief will perform an initial appraisal of each submitted manuscript based on its fit with the focus and scope of the Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management. If the submitted manuscript complies with these criteria, the Editors-in-Chief perform a second appraisal of the manuscript based on the scientific merit and validity of the article and its methodology, the relevance of the article, the interest of the topic to the reader, and the presentation and understandability of the article itself.

If the submitted manuscript is suitable to be sent to a peer review, the Editor-in-Chief send the paper to the Section Editor who is responsible to assign at least two members of the Reviewer/Editorial Board (external evaluators) without potential conflicts of interests, to review the manuscript. If Section Editor do not find a specific reviewer for the submitted manuscript, he will search other specialist of the topic of equal repute and based on his/her expertise and standing in his/her field. The peer-review process is double blinded.

The reviewers will return their recommendations and reports to the Section Editor, providing general comments to the editor and both general and specific comments to the author(s). Constructive comments that might help the authors improve their work are passed on anonymously (even if editor do not accept the submitted manuscript). After that, editor assesses them collectively, and then makes a decision, either on his or her own or in consultation with other editors on whether to reject the manuscript. The final decision on acceptability for publication lies with the Editors-in-Chief.

The Editors-in-Chief will communicate the overall result of the evaluation (rejected, accepted or accepted with modifications), including the reviewer's comments. Revised manuscripts may be subject to further peer review if appropriate.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.